Intuitive Eating – we hear this phrase all the time, but what does intuitive eating actually look like?
Counting macros is a great way to make sure you are eating enough and eating the right types of foods. The most accurate way to count macros is to weigh and measure out everything you consume throughout the day; however, there comes a time where weighing can become obsessive, the scale isn’t available, and you just want to eat without the stress of your chicken being exactly 4 oz. If you have gotten to the point of obsessively weighing your food and you have a fear of gaining weight just because you aren’t measuring, then you probably need a break from tracking. And by probably, I mean definitely. Start by taking one day a week and not using the food scale. Eyeball everything. I’m not saying go balls to the wall and eat all the things you wouldn’t normally eat just because you aren’t tracking. Eat your regular foods in portions that will satisfy you. Still hungry after your meal? Drink a glass of water. Still hungry after that? Then it’s okay to eat a little more, your body probably needs it if it is signaling to you that it is still hungry. Another tip I try to tell people is to make sure you have protein and some sort of vegetable with every meal. Fill up on those first and then have your carbs. By filling up on lean proteins and veggies, you are less likely to over-eat carbs. Additionally, by allowing yourself some freedom in your food choices, you’ll notice your cravings for things will diminish. By not putting any foods ‘off limits’ or classifying food as ‘good vs. bad’ you will find that you spend less time thinking about food and obsessing over your next meal. My last tip to transitioning to ‘intuitive eating’ is to start a food journal. I don’t mean logging everything into My Fitness Pal or some other diet app but writing things down on paper, making a note if a certain meal made you feel good, made you feel guilty, made you feel bloated, etc. Journaling can really help improve your relationship with food if it’s gotten to the point of fear every time you can’t measure. You should not fear social gatherings, weddings, and parties because the food options do not line up with your diet. Part of diet success means being able to live your life and be consistent in the long run, not 100% spot on every hour of every day.
Feel free to reach out if you would like more help with this! I’ve been there and spent way too much time glued to my food scale but now, you better believe if my husband decides to order pizza that I’m eating my fair share and not feeling guilty about a single bite!