Snacks/extras: Zevia, perfect bars, Icelandic yogurts, kashi cereal, my favorite bolthouse dressing, & alexia sweet potato tots because I’ve been DYING to try them
Dinner: tomatoes, beef, beans, onion for chili
Lunches: sweet potatoes to air fry or roast, chicken & pretzels to coat it then air fry 😋
Veggies: kale, brussel sprouts for balsamic brussels, & baby carrots
Fruit: nectarines & bananas (we have frozen bloobs and apples at the house already)
*there are not many carbs in here because we have a 5lb bag of rice at the house, tortillas, pasta, and bread all still at home*
I do very little grocery shopping with specific meals in mind. That way I can just bulk prep a lot of things and mix and match throughout the week!
